ISA Web Register Form

ISA Endorsed Insurance Schemes

Programme Head : Dr. Sukhminder Jit Singh Bajwa, Dr. Naveen Malhotra

Dear ISAians,
Greetings !

With pleasure it is informed to you that Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (ISA) has launched ISA Professional Indemnity Scheme and ISA Legal Cell. CoverYou has been authorized to provide carefully drafted Doctors Professional Indemnity for ISA Members (Anaesthesiologists, ISA Members working in Intensive Care, Chronic Pain, Obstetric Anaesthesia, Pediatric Anaesthesia, Cardiac Anaesthesia, Neuro-Anaesthesia, etc) with specially designed benefits & 75% savings on premium through ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co. Ltd. We welcome all our ISA members to utilize this opportunity and register themselves under the umbrella of ISA Professional Indemnity Scheme. Members with existing indemnity policy can also register under this ISA Professional Indemnity Scheme, their existing retroactive date will be transferred to new policy providing a copy of existing running policy.


1. ISA Professional Insurance Indemnity Schemes 2. ISA Endorsed Health Insurance 3. ISA Endorsed Covid - 19 Health cover

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