ISA Web Register Form


  • To associate together in one body all reputable and medical persons registerable to MCI, practicing or interested in the science and the art of Anaesthesiology.
  • To promote the advancement of Medical Science.
  • To edit and publish a Journal of Anaesthesiology.
  • To determine the competence of specialists in Anaesthesiology and to conduct examinations, issue certificates and to make sub-formations to run / implement the objectives.
  • To protect the public against irresponsible and unqualified practitioners who profess to be qualified anaesthesiologists.
  • To encourage scientific research and experimental work on anaesthetic problems / issues.
  • To hold / conduct scientific discussions and read / present papers on Anaesthesiology.
  • To watch and advice on legislations affecting the Anaesthesiology.
  • To hold / organize (periodically) conferences (at various places) for the betterment of the cause of Anaesthesiology in India.
  • To receive / accept donations and subscriptions from persons who are eligible and desire to join the society and to hold/ maintain the funds for the advancement of Anaesthesiology and benefit of members. All the income of the society from wherever derived shall be expended / utilized solely to accomplish or further, any or all the objects of the society as set forth in this memorandum of association and for no other purpose and no portion thereof shall be disturbed / distributed among its members by way of profits, dividends, bonuses, or otherwise, provided that nothing herein shall prevent payment of remuneration to employees for services rendered.
  • To co-operate with other medical and scientific associations
  • To arrange exhibitions of implements, appliances etc., pertaining to anaesthesia in different parts of the country and suggest improvements in these implements and appliances.
  • To make / form rules when (deemed) necessary, relating to the discipline and professional conduct of Anaesthesiologists.
  • To make/ amend rules and regulations and bye-laws of the society and to delete, change or add to the same as and when necessary.
  • To add all such things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects.
  • To prepare / publish a directory of Anaesthesiologists in India and abroad who are registered members and to circulate the same to the members.
  • To run / create Funds/ Schemes for the welfare of Society and it’s members like Family Benevolent fund, Professional protection, acceptable remuneration, career promotion, accident insurance etc.